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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare experienced a cyber security incident.  Any individuals impacted by this incident will receive a letter in the mail.  Learn more about this from Change Healthcare, or reach out to the contact center at 1-866-262-5342.

On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare experienced a cyber security incident.  Any individuals impacted by this incident will receive a letter in the mail.  Learn more about this from Change Healthcare, or reach out to the contact center at 1-866-262-5342.


Arizona Complete Health (AzCH) received information that one of our business partners was a victim of a cyber-attack.

Date: 02/26/21

Member Notice Letter

Dear Member,

On January 25, 2021, Arizona Complete Health (AzCH) received information that one of our business partners was a victim of a cyber-attack. A cyber-attack means a hacker was able to steal data. 

AzCH works with Accellion. AzCH uses Accellion’s system to exchange files with your health providers and others who help support our operations.

What Happened

The hacker was able to get access to Accellion’s system. The hacker was able to view or save AzCH’s files stored by Accellion. Your personal information was included in the files that were on Accellion’s system.

This happened between January 7 and January 25, 2021.

What Information Was Involved

Your information may have included your name and one or more of the following:

  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Insurance ID Number
  • Health information, such as your medical condition(s) and treatment information

What We Are Doing

We have taken these steps in response to this incident:

  • Immediately began working with to learn what happened.
  • Reviewed the files involved in this incident.
  • Accellion is working with law enforcement, including FBI.
  • Stopped using Accellion’s services and removed all of our data files from its system.
  • Reviewed our processes for sharing data to make sure they are not at risk to a similar attack.

What You Can Do

We have no reason to believe that your information was used incorrectly. However, we want to be careful.
Please review the steps below you can take to protect your information.

  1. We are providing members affected by this incident with one-year of free credit monitoring and identity theft protection services. Instructions on how to enroll in this service were in included in the letter sent to affected individuals.
  2. Please review the “Information About Identity Theft Protection” reference guide, at the end of this letter. It has steps you can take to help protect yourself. There are details about how to place a fraud alert or a security freeze on your credit file.
  3. Keep a copy of this letter for your records in case of any future problems with your health plan benefit or other records.
  4. Review statements from us. If you see there was any treatment or services that you believe you did not receive, please contact us.

Your personal information is important to us. We regret any issue this may have caused you. For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact AzCH by phone at 833-694-1824 or email us at


Arizona Complete Health Compliance Department