Introducing Wellcare Dual Align (HMO D-SNP)

Wellcare By Allwell is introducing a new Wellcare Dual Align (HMO D-SNP) plan in 2025!  Wellcare Dual Align (HMO D-SNP) is a specialized Medicare Advantage Plan (a Medicare Special Needs Plan), which means its benefits are designed for people with special health care needs. Our plan is designed for people who have Medicare and who are also entitled to assistance from the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, also known as AHCCCS. This includes people enrolled in the Arizona Long Term Care System, or ALTCS, which is the AHCCCS program for individuals needing long-term care services and supports. People who receive assistance from AHCCCS with their Medicare Part A and B cost sharing (deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance) may pay nothing for their Medicare health care services. AHCCCS may also provide other benefits to members by covering health care services that are not usually covered under Medicare.  Members will also receive “Extra Help” from Medicare to pay for the costs of their Medicare prescription drugs. Our plan will help manage all of these benefits, so that members get the health care services and payment assistance they are entitled to.

Enroll in Wellcare By Allwell

Enroll in a Wellcare Dual Align (HMO D-SNP) plan in one of the following easy ways

1. Call Us

We will answer your questions and make sure you have the information you need to find the right coverage; Then you can choose the plan that works best for your health and budget.

            For enrollment help or to schedule an in-home appointment, Contact Us.

2.  Online

Learn about our plans and enroll from the comfort of your own home. 

3.  Mail or fax your application

            Fill out the application and send it directly to:

            Wellcare By Allwell
            PO BOX 10420
            Van Nuys, CA 91499-6208

             You can also send it via fax to 1-844-222-3180

Resources and Tools

Learn more about the plan and all that it has to offer by accessing helpful resources and tools on our website.  

Arizona Complete Health Long Term Care

Are you an Arizona Complete Health Long Term Care member?  To find more information about your Arizona Long Term Care System ALTCS benefits, view the Arizona Complete Health Long Term Care website.

 Do you have any questions?  Please Contact Us